Latino Connections
FSW’s Latino Connections program provides socialization opportunities, educational workshops, support services and linkages to community resources for recently arrived Latino immigrants living in Port Chester, NY. Attendance is free and babysitting is provided for 8 to 10 children during the sessions.

Settling into a New Community
Meetings are informal and open to any Latino immigrants new to the community on a drop-in basis. Groups provide an opportunity for new immigrants to learn about the Westchester community and discover ways to connect to new friends and a network of community supports.

Learning from Expert Speakers
The group currently meets once a week for two hours to discuss issues of concern that can then be addressed through individual sessions and support services at other times during the week. Each week, an expert guest speaker addresses subjects such as nutrition, child care, domestic violence, employment, community resources, women’s health issues, budgeting, schools and parental involvement, followed by a question and answer session and group projects.
Contact Information:
Lupita Deluccia
(914) 305-6837