Adoption and Children's Services
Welcome to Adoption & Children’s Services of Family Services of Westchester! For more than 65 years, our adoption experts have been helping individuals and couples build their dream families through adoption in Westchester County, and we would consider it a privilege to help you.
Our experienced, caring and professional staff of licensed social workers deeply understands the complex emotions and challenging choices families face when they’re considering adoption.
That’s why we’ve made it our mission to be there for prospective parents every step of the way, from clarifying the options available to you to helping you navigate every twist and turn in the adoption process itself.
We Guide You Every Step of the Way
Our emphasis on family guidance and counseling means that FSW provides a full range of services for every member of the adoption triad — birthparents, child and adoptive parents — with the well-being of the child at the center of everything we do.
To ensure the best outcome for each child and the families involved, our adoption team:
- Counsels potential birthparents about all of their options
- Conducts homestudies for adoptive parents in all three of our adoption programs
- Provides adoption education for prospective parents
- Coordinates all post-placement services and referrals to community resources
Depth of Experience and Breadth of Contacts
FSW’s Adoption & Children’s Services program has been operating continuously since 1953. The depth of experience we provide, combined with our breadth of contacts is unparalleled. We have decades of building relationships with adoption attorneys, adoptive parent support groups and other agencies that provide placement services for both babies and older children who need families.
These longstanding connections to the broader adoption community also enable us to continuously update our procedures to incorporate up-to-the-minute changes in adoption law, research and best practices.
Family Services of Westchester is fully accredited by the Council of Accreditation of Services for Families & Children and we are an authorized agency with the State of New York.
Our Mission Is to Support YOU!
We are available seven days a week to answer your questions throughout the adoption experience. Quite simply, our mission at Family Services of Westchester is to support you as you build your family through adoption.
Adoptive Parents:
To learn more about our wide range of adoption options and our long history serving this community, click here.
To learn about upcoming Orientations (typically on the third Tuesday of every month), click here.
* Prospective adoptive parents must live in Westchester County in most cases. Please e-mail for further information.
Expecting Parents:
If you or your partner are pregnant and considering making an adoption plan, and you want to learn more, click here.
Contact Information:
Whether you are an adoptive parent or expecting parent, please feel free to contact us for more information.
Mia Diamond Padwa, Director
(914) 274-8334, Ext. 232
78 Main Street
Hastings-on-Hudson, NY 10706
Map & Directions